Ford Mustang | Indianapolis, IN 46219 | 1ZVHT82H795107796 | New and Used Cars | Auto Insurance | Car Loans
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2009  Ford  Mustang
VIN: 1ZVHT82H795107796

Recent Asking Price: $25,695
Estimated Payment: $428
Last Reported Mileage: 29,200
Exterior Color: Silver
Interior Color: Black/Chamois Accent W/Aberdeen Embossed Leather S

Vehicle located in Indianapolis, IN 46219
Vehicle Options
2 Doors,300 Horsepower,4-Wheel Abs Brakes,4.6 Liter V8 Sohc Engine With Variable Valve Timing,6-Way Power Adjustable Drivers Seat,Air Conditioning,Clock - In-Radio Display,Cruise Control,Front Fog/Driving Lights,Front Seat Type - Sport,Intermittent Window Wipers,Limited Slip Differential - Mechanical,Multi-Function Remote - Trunk/Hatch/Door,Passenger Airbag,Power Mirrors,Power Steering,Power Windows With 2 One-Touch,Privacy/Tinted Glass,Rear Bench Seats,Rear Spoiler - Wing,Rear-Wheel Drive,Remote Power Door Locks,Tachometer,Tilt Steering Wheel

City MPG: 15
Highway MPG: 22

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