Hyundai Elantra | Concord, CA 94520 | 5NPDH4AE0BH005944 | New and Used Cars | Auto Insurance | Car Loans
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2011  Hyundai  Elantra
VIN: 5NPDH4AE0BH005944

Recent Asking Price: $23,995
Estimated Payment: $400
Last Reported Mileage: 11,067
Exterior Color: Pearl White Mica

Vehicle located in Concord, CA 94520
Vehicle Options
Power Windows,Tilt Wheel,Am/Fm Stereo,Head Curtain Air Bag,Cd Player,Traction Control,Mirror Turn Signals,Daytime Running Lights,Sunroof,Side Impact Air Bags,Power Steering,Drivers Front Air Bag,Keyless Entry,4-Wheel Disc Brakes,Heated Driver Seat,Rear Defroster,Air Conditioning,Anti-Lock Braking,Power Door Locks,Power Mirrors,Cruise Control,Variable Wipers,Satellite Radio,Leather Steering Whl,Child Safety Locks,Dual Front Air Bags,Fog Lights,Steering Wheel Controls,This One Wants To Be In Your Driveway Call Now (888) 904-1402

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