Mercury Mariner | Avon, NY 14414 | 4M2CU971X8KJ51121 | New and Used Cars | Auto Insurance | Car Loans
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2008  Mercury  Mariner
VIN: 4M2CU971X8KJ51121

Recent Asking Price: $16,995
Estimated Payment: $283
Last Reported Mileage: 49,029
Exterior Color: Red
Interior Color: Black
Certified by: PriceClubCars

Vehicle located in Avon, NY 14414
Vehicle Options
Power Steering,Power Brakes,Power Door Locks,Power Windows,Power Drivers Seat,Am/Fm Stereo Radio,Cd Player,Trip Odometer,Tachometer,Air Conditioning,Tilt Steering Wheel,Cruise Control,Tinted Glass,Climate Control,Coolant Temp. Gauge,Console,Front Bucket Seats,Reclining Seats,Compass,Power Sunroof,Sunroof Cover,Cargo Cover,Satellite Radio,Alloy Wheels,Clock,Interval Wipers,Rear Defroster,Rear Window Wiper,Heated Seat,Auto Headlamp On/Off-Delay,Center Arm Rest,Vanity Mirror,Heated Outside Mirrors,Dual Power Mirrors,Leather Wrapped Upholstery,Sport Steering Wheel,Courtesy Lights,Map Lights,Inside Hood Release,Trip Computer,Keyless Entry,Luggage Rack,Remote Keyless Entry,Carpeting,Step Bumper,Verify Information Prior To Sale,Folding Rear Seat

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